
Turnup your productivity, one turnip at a time!

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What is Turnip.foo?

Turnip.foo is a productivity timer that helps you work in focused bursts followed by rejuvenating breaks. The app uses a turnip theme to visualize your progress - watch your turnip grow as you focus, and harvest it when your session completes!

This focus-and-break cycle approach is based on a popular time management technique (known as the "Pomodoro Technique").

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The name "Pomodoro" comes from the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used as a university student.

This technique is designed to combat procrastination and improve focus by breaking work into manageable intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are known as "Pomodoros."

Turnip.foo is a playful take on the Pomodoro Technique, using turnips instead of tomatoes as our productivity metaphor. Each completed focus session grows a turnip in your virtual farm!

How the Pomodoro Technique Works

Step 1: Plan

Decide on the task you want to work on

Step 2: Focus

Work for 25 minutes with full concentration

Step 3: Break

Take a short 5-minute break

Step 4: Repeat

After 4 cycles, take a longer 15-30 minute break

The key principles of the technique are:

Why It's Effective

The Pomodoro Technique works with your brain's natural tendencies rather than against them:

Did You Know?

Studies have shown that regular short breaks can improve mental agility by up to 20%. When you take a break, your brain continues to process problems in the background, which is why solutions often come to us when we step away from our work!

Using Turnip.foo

Turnip.foo brings the Pomodoro Technique to life with a fun turnip-growing theme. Here's how to get started:

  1. Set your preferences in the Turnip Settings section:
    • Focus Time: How long each focus session lasts (default: 25 minutes)
    • Break Time: Short break duration (default: 5 minutes)
    • Long Break: Longer break duration (default: 15 minutes)
    • Long Break After: Number of focus sessions before a long break (default: 4 turnips)
  2. Click "Start Focus" to begin your first focus session.
  3. Work until the timer completes, watching your turnip grow as you make progress.
  4. When the timer ends, Turnip.foo will automatically start your break timer.
  5. After your short break, another focus session will automatically begin.
  6. After completing several focus sessions (4 by default), you'll earn a longer break.
  7. Watch your turnip farm grow as you complete more focus sessions!

Understanding the Controls

Turnip.foo features intuitive controls to help you manage your focus sessions:

Tips for Successful Focus Sessions


Consistency is more important than perfection. Even if you're having a distracted day, completing a few focus sessions is better than none!